
price:  $15.95
isbn:  0807130079
pages:  66

Selected by Judy Jordan as Winner of the 2004 Lena-Miles Wever Todd Poetry Prize “Nils Michals has a marvelous knack for putting unexpected words in unexpected places—and for composing whole poems of such surprises. In these dense, rich lyric poems, he touches a wide range from the mythical to the quotidian with the same gleamingly precise sensibility. This is a striking collection that’s not afraid of beauty or emotion—nor of the difficulties they have always presented to poetry.” —Cole Swensen

About Nils Michals
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<p><p><p>Nils Michals is the author of two collections of poetry, Come Down to Earth (Bauhan, 2014), which won the May Sarton New Hampshire Prize, and Lure (Pleiades Press, 2005), which won the Lena-Miles Wever Todd Award. Individual poems have recently been published or are forthcoming in Posit, *82, Small Po[r]tions, Bombay Gin, Theodate, and The Conium Review, among others. He lives in Santa Cruz, CA with his wife and daughter, and is English faculty at West Valley College.</p></p></p>