Category: Book Review

More from Katy Didden!

Feb 26, 2015 | Book Review, Poetry Books,

Katy Didden’s new poem  “Eve of the Ascent” appeared in the most recent issue of 32 Poems Magazine. Kjerstin Kauffman praised the poem over on the 32 Poems blog saying: “There’s a moment in “Eve of the Ascent” when the speaker’s thoughts move from Dante’s Purgatory to what’s immediate and in front of her: “Behind gnarly junipers our…

Good Press for Sylph

Feb 12, 2015 | Book Review, Poetry Books,

Abigail Cloud’s book, Sylph, has been getting some good press lately. Rebecca Dunham at Devil’s Lake says: “In poems that are imagistically and musically rich, Cloud considers the nature of love and desire—particularly desire’s attraction to that which is missing.” Read more. NewPages glows:  “…graceful, self-assured poems, beautifully executed with a tightly focused imagistic sensibility.” Read…

AALBC reviews Russell Atkins

Jan 29, 2015 | Book Review, Poetry Books, Unsung Masters,

Robert Fleming over at African American Literature Book Club (AALBC) wrote a review of Russell Atkins’ collection, here’s a little bit of what he had to say: “This is an astounding tribute to one of the most innovative American artists, Russell Atkins, by a small, independent publisher, Pleiades Press. Prufer, a professor in the Creative…

Good Press Over at American Microreviews for Sylph

Jan 15, 2015 | Book Review, Poetry Books,

Our friends over at American Microreviews & Interviews recently took a look at Abigail Cloud’s newest collection of poems Sylph:  “Abigail Cloud’s Lena-Miles Wever Todd Prize winning debut Sylph conjures demons-of-everyday-annoyances (i.e. demons of broken jars, lost wedding rings, needle pricks, and choked peppermints), angels who go on benders, Ginger Rogers and her stylist, women from classical…

The Rumpus reviews The Glacier’s Wake

Dec 13, 2014 | Book Review, Poetry Books,

“In the same way that a mausoleum door bars entrance to the living, thus emphasizing the cemented barrier between the alive and the dead, Katy Didden’s debut poetry collection, The Glacier’s Wake, begins with a titular frontispiece which challenges the reader to work for admission into the landscape of grief she creates. Establishing the text’s most…

New Pages review of Francis Jammes

Dec 7, 2014 | Book Review, Unsung Masters,

“The Unsung Masters Series published by Pleiades Press performs a remarkable service to writers whose work has been eclipsed for one reason or another during the ensuing decades after its original appearance. Each volume focuses upon a writer relatively unknown, providing a relatively quick, yet nonetheless detailed, summation of his or her biography along with…